Monday, March 27, 2017

The Black Male Collective and Fake Concern Over Missing Women and Girls

Dear Black Women,

Stop jumping up and parroting everything you get from men who simply don't know and don't want to know any better, as it pertains to feminism. We get it. Some of you aren't down with Feminism because the boys won't like you if you are. But all that talk about Feminists being quiet on the issue of black girls missing in DC is complete and utter BULLSHIT! You're gonna look over all these Black Feminists who have been vocal for all these years, just to say you can't find any white ones who are talking on behalf of missing black women and children?

ARE YOU INSANE???????????

As much as I love my fellow black women, I must admit that I cringe at the sewage that runs from some of your ill informed, partially educated souls. Must you take any and every opportunity to allow men to make fools of you?

Us Feminists have been speaking out against the murder of black women and girls, the rape of black women and girls, the missing black women and girls for years. You remember. It was back when you were screaming that "Not all men" shit you love to use for the sake of deflection. Remember when we going on and on about the abuse of women, and you were telling us that it was just the men we were choosing? Remember back when we were writing articles, blogs, and even appearing on and conducting radio shows addressing the injustices against black women, and you kept wanting to talk about how single we were, and that we were just bitter that we weren't getting laid?


But some of you were too busy dick pandering to give a damn. and the men? The men were and are still too afraid to deal with and confront the type of men foul enough to sell children into sex trafficking rings so what do they do? They use their platforms to attack Feminists, once again. Here you are, once again, arguing with women because you're too afraid to address the men. You've got masterbatory scholars such as Dr. Moist Watkins and his crew of Wet Wipe Soldiers who wanna talk about the voice of feminism. Mind you, they've never really been interested in the voices of feminists, black or white. In fact, very rarely are they interested in women who don't back, support, and hand over their backbones for the sake of pushing and promoting their interests and causes.

So begone with your fake concern about missing black girls. Some of you are nothing more than ambulance chasing Facebook Bloggers who will stop at nothing to grow your fan base. Many of you don't lend much concern beyond the women within your immediate families or reach. Now all of a sudden, you want us to believe that you're genuinely concerned about women and girls who have been missing for years? Yeah, I don't buy all this low fat, low calorie, out of the blue solidarity. If the solidarity were real, these wicked men among us would think long, hard and even possibly reconsider ever touching us in the first place.

So you can run along and go back to your regularly scheduled, "Not All Men" and "You women just need to choose better" programs.

1 comment:

  1. YAASS! You put them in their place! I can't stomach these men and their male identified handmaidens.
