Peace Family. After witnessing the demeanor of the alleged warrior women in the community, I feel compelled to address what appears to be a growing problem. There are a great deal of imbalances that plague the Black Community due to our rearing in this society. The immersion of the "Gangsta Queen" has arisen and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. There are those who misconstrue being a warrior or soldier with being a complete savage. We've become aggressive in our dialogue and our actions which tend to spill over into our family dealings. There are countless numbers of Men who speak of being belittled, and bullied by their women. Children are also reaping the reprecussions of this imbalanced female persona. After witnessing numerous encounters between mother and child, I've seen mothers address their children with bass filled tones followed by aggressive physical interaction. Women have mistaken strength with brute force that is displayed in foul aggressive language and in the most severe cases, physical altercations.
So what fuels this Gangsta Bitch Mentality? Well it's simple, acceptance. This behavior is now being celebrated as an attractive quality. I've witnessed Males fueling this behavior by way of accolaides and praise. These same Males complain once the Gangsta Bitch rears it's aggressive head toward them. Now that they've become the target of this abusive, imbalanced woman it's an issue. How about the youth? Have you ever taken into consideration what how this roughhouse persona afflicts our children? What are we teaching our daughters about womanhood while behaving contrary to it? What are we leaving our sons to expect from women as they develop an interest in them? Being that most women are highly protective of their Sons, how will you react to him showing up on your doorstep with an attitudinal woman who strongly resembles YOU?
How do we cure this imbalance of the Woman? Conscious effort is the key to the cure. Many of our interactions are unconscious, automated,and routine. We don't recognize this behavior because it's become the norm. Those of us who have overcome the attack of the gangsta bitch have a duty to keep our Sisters mindful of themselves as opposed to supporting them in this madness. We must strive to embody the feminine principle by first recognizing what it is. We must also come into a correct understanding of what strength is. There's strength in rearing children who are self sufficient, intelligent and properly nourished. There's strength in birthing our babies without the use of harmful medications. There's strength in being consistent, in being serious, and in being assertive all while being respectful, humble, and upright. There's strength in having self control and mastering the elements (desires). The weakest thing we can do is behave contrary to our natural, original self succumbing to societal influences and circumstances. I'm able to identify the problem and the cure because I've served time on both sides of the spectrum. Experience has been my greatest teacher. Once I was able to recognize the problem, I was able to create and implement the solution.
Peace and Evolution Family
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