Dear Women of the Wives Club,
If by chance you catch your husband cheating, please don't go after the other women, especially if you're just gonna remind her that you take such good care of him, support him, submit to him, love him, feed him, reproduce on his behalf and take on his last name. You do realize that telling her those things don't make you look honorable. In fact, it makes you looked like an overworked fool because clearly, you're doing far too much for a man who is sloppy enough with his dealings to the point that you were able to catch him with another, primarily if it's not something you've both agreed to. All attention should be directed toward him. However, I do understand the failure to prioritize your beef. When reality strikes, logic and reason has a tendency to fly out of the window.

It would be nice to see more displays of grown up relationships. I see far too many women with men they feel or have proof that they aren't faithful, and instead of finding someone else or developing an understanding that revolves around his particular character or personal nature, they drive themselves insane by checking phones, emails, inboxes and lightweight stalking. But you knew who these men were and they showed you time and time again. what makes you think you're going to change him or even have the right to? When the topic of polygamy is mentioned, some of these same women will talk about how nasty and disgusting it is to share a man KNOWINGLY, but what they will do is UNKNOWINGLY share men with other women because apparently, sneaking and lying is more respectable. I actually understand the mentality, just don't agree with it because I see it as downright silly.
This isn't an attack on wives nor is it a support letter for mistresses. What I hope to do here is spark some serious conversations between adults that need to be considered without volatile outbreaks and with hopefully cleared minds. All I ask is that you consider what I've written. I see too many women at each others throats, with men at the core of the issue and the main culprit seems to be flying free without so much as a dent, while these women are left scratching at each others eyes when it could all be prevented.
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