Friday, April 24, 2015

Women Are the Greatest Liars

There has always been back and forth between men and women when it comes to who lies more. Then again, no there hasn't. For the most part, the underlying idea is usually that men lie and cheat most. Well, I call bullshit. Women are among the greatest of liars and this is made possible due to the arrogance of men. Men also make amazing liars out of women. However, men and their high emotional states are the reason that many women find themselves afraid to tell the truth or withhold their intentions in the first place.

One of the greatest lies ever told is that women are more emotional than men. In fact, that lie has been told and repeated so often that many have taken it on as truth, including women. Because men show emotion differently, they're thought not to be as emotional.Bit mistake. Let's take a closer look at this. Do men destroy property? Do they cry? Do they stalk Do they hit, do they kill? According to statistics, not only do they do this, but at a much higher rate than women. There are plenty of men filling the prison due to what they call, "Crimes of passion." Surely, taking someone's life and/or kicking someone's door down is an emotional act of the highest order. That being said, because male dominated society has taught men that it is in their nature to desire things that are against the nature of a woman, many men can't handle women treating them in similar manners that they've treated women. That coupled with being forced to withhold emotionmakes for an overreaction.

Let's discuss infidelity. Do women cheat? ABSOLUTELY! Do women get away with it? ALL THE TIME! Do you know why it's so easy for women to cheat? Because men have allowed themselves to be convinced by other men that when a woman really loves them, the possibility of them cheating with another man doesn't exist. This is what happens when you allow men to tell you what women are capable of and because women don't want to lose their chance at being someone's wife, they go along with the lie, while lying themselves. Of course, I'm not saying that there aren't women who haven't mastered monogamy. But don't you believe for a second that monogamy is innate within women simply because we're women. We have the same needs, desires, and feelings that men do. But in an effort to protect their feelings, men will lie on nature, will lie on science, and will lie on their gods and say that women are wired from birth to be with one man. What you'll find in all of this is that no one has ever asked an HONEST WOMAN what she wants and needs. Some of the largest "whores" on the planet are the ones teaching modesty in dress, chastity among men, and one man per lifetime. Now I'm using "whore" based on the very standards these self proclaimed righteous women have set in place. If you know any of these women personally or have experienced them personally, you know that they're lying their hind parts off. Their means of showing cleavage is bragging about their cooking skills and ability to parent, or so they'll have you think.

Men have been parroting the notion that you can't turn a hoe into a housewife, yet these same men want large amounts of hoe in their housewives. They want this breed of "Virgianic Hoe." A Virgianic Hoe is a woman who although she hasn't been with a man or more than one man, she magically learned to deep throat penis without gagging, pop it on a handstand, swing from chandeliers, and take it in every nook and cranny without complaint and all while throwing it back. They seem to want inexperienced women who have the skills of a well seasoned prostitute and life simply doesn't work that way. Because women know this, many will play that role to the fullest. They lie about the number of partners they've had whereas the men they're hiding from will proudly and gladly admit that they've lost count of how many women they've laid with and do you know why? Because they know that women are accepting of it. So basically, you've got women who will seek, accept and remain with men who are too weak to handle their truth, yet smile and turn a blind eye to the past of men Do you see why women are afraid of sharing their truth? It is because their men simply can't handle it. They end up having competitions in their head with your past lovers that you know nothing about. There is this part of them that wants to know that they were able to score you because they were the absolute best. It helps them to sleep better at night.

As women, people have a hard time believing that we are thinking creatures who. This is why we are told what and how we feel. This is why men, in their arrogance, will teach other men that we are so emotionally connected to men after we have sex with them. Just so you all know, women can separate sex from love and we do it quite often. While some of you think that we're dickmatized, meaning the penis is the glue that binds, you should know that that's very rarely the case with many of us. Sometimes, it's everything else you bring to the table that holds us in place. this is why you have women who once the relationship is over, they're talk about your little penis or your bold stroke. The truth is, all of that is likely true. However, the sex is good because it's with a man we love. It's the overall moment that's good. We want you to feel good about your penis regardless to how small it is or how weak your stroke because we love you and there's nothing Mr. Better Dick around the corner can do to change that. You've got men who are great in bed and still get rejected by certain women. Now what some of you may be confusing is the fact that some women have crushes or deep feelings about men prior to sleeping with them, and those feelings go into overdrive once sex is involved. But to say that ALL women are such emotional creatures who want to marry every penis they engage with is a massive lie.

Another myth, and this is such a precious one, is the one that teaches that women are designed for one penis only. Yes, another male biased teaching perpetuated by men who can't sleep at night unless they know "it's theirs." Oh you poor, delusional soul. Clearly this isn't the case because if it were, your wives, daughters, mothers and grandmothers would be able to count the number of partners they had on one hand. I know, I know, your grand maw maw was with your grand paw paw for 87 years and never once did she stray. Yeah, because grand maw maw would sit and discuss that with her grandchildren, right? I know, I know, Feminism has women thinking it's alright to have more than one man. Unfortunately, nature beat Feminism to that. What I want many of you to stop doing is creating gods that seem to favor men having all the fun. You all seem to have been constructed in a manner that allows you to to slip and dip your joysticks and all while remaining blessed and highly favored. Because science won't support your fallacies, you go pulling out your holy books promoted by holy crooks to prove your points that never seem to contain sound reason. Also, stop telling women that they keep a piece of every man that sleeps with them. It's as if you all literally make things up as you go. You mean to tell me that a woman is so passive that she can't determine what man leaves a piece of himself behind? Now THAT is what I call the epitome of loose. It's just more pseudo, made up as you go science to help fuel the same ancient lies.

I said all this to say that women and men aren't as different as we'd like to believe beyond the process of childbirth. Both men and women need to see our parts played in the upholding of double standards we experience. The lying, the cheating, all will continue until we learn to respect each others nature and if we can't, we need to learn how to move on and find people who better suits us. But to promote lies in an effort to ensure our comfort levels does more harm than good. We don't even have to broadcast, announce, and display everything we do. It's not about telling each and every gory detail of our loves and lives. It's about respecting the space of all involved and keeping in mind what's most important at all times. We are responsible for our actions and must measure how our actions affect those whom we're involved with.

The truth won't hurt so bad if you stop resisting.

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